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Woman Hits Train, Then Gets Hit By 2nd Train

A woman was involved in an accident with two trains on October 13th, 2013, and officials say the 29-year-old female suspect was fleeing police when the bizarre car crash occurred. Officials say the woman walked away with only a broken arm.

The wrecked Mercedes sat pinned under the Union Pacific train for several hours after the driver was rushed to the hospital. Detective Adam Osoro of the Woods Cross Police Department described the accident. “It just couldn’t stop in time,” he said of the woman’s car. “It was too close to the incident, didn’t have time to stop.”

At about 8:20 a.m., police responded to an ‘unwanted guest’ disturbance call. In other words, the suspect wouldn’t leave someone’s house. “Our complainant gave a vehicle description of someone that was involved,” Osoro said. “At that time, one of our patrolmen spotted the vehicle and attempted to stop it on Redwood Road.” When the woman didn’t pull over for police, a brief chase began. Osoro said it was during the chase the woman and the trains collided. “There was already a southbound train going across 2600 south, and she hit that train while it was crossing,” Osoro said. “While officers were trying to get her out of her car, a second southbound train hit her vehicle.”

Despite the impacts, the woman suffered only a broken arm. “The vehicle sustained heavy damage, so in this case she’s very lucky to still be with us,” Osoro said.

Witnesses involved said alcohol was present at the original location, but police haven’t confirmed whether the woman was intoxicated. Police officials said she faces charges for evading arrest, and additional charges are being investigated.

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